Friday, October 7, 2011

Winter is Coming

First snow on Esja this week, I believe on Monday. Took these pictures yesterday-the view hasn't changed much, other than the clouds clearing out and offering a better few of the approaching snowline. I'll be hoping for a white Christmas, or perhaps a white Thanksgiving, if we're lucky.

Work is unending. I've decided that allowing myself to play videogames for the last couple hours of the night is a silly, unprofitable idea-instead, when I want to waste time I waste it writing to people. At least then my prose improves. Or arguing with James (I'm unsure if this actually improves or diminishes my debating ability), who has moved into the house and is sleeping on David's couch with his laptop and his tiny box of personal reflections, until Roan heads out to his new apartment. A pedantic practice, but he's the sort of guy who needs to be contradicted every five minutes or so, or he starts acting above his station.

Having a difficult time with my thesis decision-making. My ideas are progressing, but I'm having more existential issues deciding what it is, exactly, that I'm most interested in/passionate about in this field-and attempting to divide that from of all factors of what areas I have experience in, or are easier/harder, or are made attractive by the dearth of scholarship applied to them. It seems silly to be here if I'm going to apply myself to something dishonestly, particularly since there seems to be such a fast pace to things I don't know how much room I'll have to explore new avenues of interests once I get stuck on something.

So some matter of self-reflection is in order. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your photo dump. It's beautiful there when you look at the details (kind of like the desert). Sounds like your having an intense but stimulating time... and you get to share it with other young scholars. Sounds fabulous! Annie and Claire want to tell me they loved your pictures... especially the ones of you on the lichen. You're fish made it safely (in frozen condition) to your mom (not that you will benefit). Love, your cousin Jodie
